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Our services empower public and private organizations with the tools, technology, and talent they need to drive change in their communities.

Clients choose us for management and technical consulting health initiatives technical assistance IT development research and evaluation learning resources and communication staff augmentation

Areas of Expertise

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Drive action with effective communication

See how our Center of Excellence for Learning Resources and Communication (LRC) collaborates with clients to achieve their outreach goals.

Advancing social good is complex work.

Put our team of experts to work moving your mission-focused work forward.

A senior woman sitting in her kitchen warmly embracing a school-age child.

Featured Clients and Partners

Client and Partner Testimonials

Office of Child Care’s National Center on Subsidy Innovation and Accountability (NCSIA)

(A project of TriMextrix subsidiary WRMA)

We are so impressed and appreciative of all of the market rate survey briefs and resources that [NCSIA] has developed, as well as the additional resources that [the team] has shared with us recently in the course of our discussions about South Carolina participating in the BUILD conference panel about our last market rate survey and rate setting process. The subsidy center’s resources are answering many questions we’ve had about market rate surveys and rate setting process and will help us improve our upcoming survey and process. Many thanks!”

Regional Partnerships Grants (RPG)

(A project of TriMextrix subsidiary WRMA)

“We wanted to share with you the technical assistance videos that Sunil and his team at WRMA have produced. This series is designed to address preparing and uploading safety and permanency data, which leads to some of the most frequent questions via the RPG Helpdesk and to validation errors. The steps are well covered in training and in the User Guide… My thanks to Sunil and WRMA for a great job. I think the videos are super. They look really good, are so clear – just perfect really. I want to thank everyone on your team.”